Marie's Musings

Musings from the mundane day to day life of a mom of 9 to more serious ponderings of the day.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Generally speaking, if your doctor takes one look at you and asks if you are okay, its not good.

I took Elaura in for her weight check today, as well as Josiah, since hes not feeling well. I have had a cold/cough/congestion since before Elaura was born but never bad enough to warrent a doc visit. Plus I have been dealing with pink eye this week as well. So add that to sinus/cold issues and I dont look great lol. So she wrote me a prescription for a sinus infection, probably time. It wasnt that I was playing a martyr or the like but I just never felt sick enough to warrent a doc visit. I really despise going in for them to tell me its just a virus, so I usually play dr mom at home before going in.

Josiah has a sinus infection and his strep test was negative, but he got a prescription as well. Elaura actually lost an ounce, I hoping its just cause she finally started pooping on her own now so maybe it will even out next week. Doc said too it could be cause im sick as well, so shes not getting as great of milk , but im not sure on that front.

It was nice to find out though that we are building up a bit of a reputation with our doc. I thanked her for squeezing us in (they didnt have appt slot for us, but told us to come in anyway) and she said no problem, that she knows we wouldnt call if it wasnt a crisis. So that was sort of neat. I also asked her bout some research I did bout a condition that I suspect Gideon might have. It was reassuring as wellwhen she said that it was good to be informed and that somtimes the patient has more time to do the research. So she was going to do her own research on it this weekend.
I had decided to look up some information last night and ran across a syndrome that Im thinking that Gideon may have. He may or may not but he has the majority of the symptoms and it would explain a lot of his delays as well. The good part of finding this now, is that his appt with his geneticist is only a couple weeks away! So I definitely plan on asking her about it, and given her field, she should be much more familiar with it. I think that God prompted me to find this now and IM thankful for that. Had i discovered this earlier, I would have to wait much longer to have my questions answered.

God is good ... all the time!



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