Marie's Musings

Musings from the mundane day to day life of a mom of 9 to more serious ponderings of the day.

Monday, November 10, 2008

It broke my heart

Note ... not for the sqeamish, if thats you, you might want to skip this one lol.

Overall Elaura is doing well, adjusting into the family. She seems to have captured everyones heart. She loves to fall asleep with daddy, or snuggle with Josiah and Gideon is fascinated with his new baby sister. He loves to poke at her, give her pacifier or hat to her when she doesnt need it or reach to grab her at every opportunity! Shes slowly gaining back her weight, last friday she was up to 8 lbs 1 oz. She is so easily comforted that she falls asleep while eating ... so lots of poking and waking her back up to eat.

But she hadnt pooped in nearly a week. Thats not so good, so I put in a call to the doc this morning. He suggested stimulating the rectum ... yeah its as gross as it sounds. We will never use that thermometer again. Let me tell you, i really hope I dont have to do that one again. It nearly broke my heart to have to do it this time. I know Im helping her but it feels like you are hurting them. Lets just say it worked enough for now, that we have officially achieved operation poop for the day.

I hope her little tummy feels a bit better now and that she manages to poop on her own in the future. If not I will steel myself to do this again (I realy really hope not!!)

God is good ... all the time!


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