Marie's Musings

Musings from the mundane day to day life of a mom of 9 to more serious ponderings of the day.

Friday, December 29, 2006

A sense of peace

A lot has changed in 12 years, I remember the last time I was facing abnormal test results in a pregnancy. There was a lot fear, anxiety and worry and the extra testing accentuated it. I remember being anxious for that leval 2 ultrasound to get there, and even after they found nothing, the doctors muddying the waters with the "what ifs". Today Josiah is a vibrant healthy young man with a perfect spine.

I know it doesnt always turn out that nothing is wrong, there are plenty of special needs children in the world. But what I cannot explain fully, is this sense of peace God has given me. I dont feel worried, scared, anxious or anything like that knowing that the ultrasound is likely to be in the next two weeks or so. Im not in a hurry for it to get here or for answers or any of that. Its strange being in a different place, a welcome place for sure, but different.

I know , that without a shadow of doubt, that whatever is or isnt wrong with this child, is exactly what God intended for our family. I know that I can trust that he will give us only what he deems for us . What a blessing God has given me in this peace that passes all understanding!

God is good ... all the time!


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