Marie's Musings

Musings from the mundane day to day life of a mom of 9 to more serious ponderings of the day.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Bloggers Block

Have wanted to write at various times over the last week, but life kinda gets in the way sometims. When you are bout to change a diaper, or make supper, or even head off to work, not exactly prime blogging time. I generally try to write in the mornings when i do have more time to dilly dally around, but its at those times that the block seems to be there.

Had a fabulous thanksgiving. We really enjoyed preparing and feasting in our new home. God is good ... all the time! I still sit in awe sometimes and look around at what he has blessed us with and just cant comprehend it. We have soo much more space now. Recently we drove by our old home and it just looked so small that it was hard to imagine 10 of us crammed in there. In our new home, we really have space to spread out. Yet sometimes you will find all the kids congregated in the living room with us. It was a neat picture the other night to have them all around us. Nathaniel was helping his dad design an invite on the laptop while Elijah watched on, Josiah was next to me reading, Katarina was on the other couch reading and the younger crew on the floor playing with Zechariah.

Opps battery is bout dead here on the laptop, my cue for ending lol.

Thats all for now folks!

Friday, November 17, 2006

I have a feeling its going to be a loooong day!

Andrew and I went out to do the household and grocery shopping last nite after I got off from work. Unfortunely we couldnt wait for a better time, we were out of things needed for katarinas party tonite. And since we are down to 1 working vechile right now, that left no real options other than going last nite.

The good part is its done now, but the bad part is we got very little sleep. Andrew much less than I did even, i managed just under 5 hrs. But even so, im struggling to keep my eyes open this morning. House is in decent shape, but wont be if i fall alseep and let hte little ones run amouk!

Katarina has 6 girls coming tonite, the boys have a friend coming to stay over as well, so i have a feeling, it may be a tad loud round this house tonite!

Thats all for now folks!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Tired and sore

Tired, as usual, not getting to bed early enough and waking up at 430 am with andrew, usually add to that. Plus Ezekiel came into our bed 3 times last nite, which Im sure is the cause for the sore back. Some nites i dont mind so much, but others, it just then feels cramped in the bed with no room to move.

Have Moms group today and then work tonite. Then I need to get ready tommorow for katarinas sleepover and working the weekend.

Off to go find some java!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Morning all

What is everyone up to this fine lovely day? Its a bit gloomy here in minnesota, but no precip at least. We are in the dreary part of fall. What lies between the beautiful autumn leaves and the white blankets of snow is the barren landscape. The fields are all plowed, the trees are bare, the grass is dying or dead and it just looks dreary. But God will paint it white soon enough lol!

Not much going on today, i normally would work but my hours were cut this week, so im going to enjoy the nite off!


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Sometimes I just dont want to

Since Ive started working, staying home, even to do dreaded housework has been the prevelent theme. I just dont enjoy going out as much or I guess when Im tired and would rather nap lol. But the elementary kids have a parent thing this morning, muffin/donuts and then you go see their classroom. I just plain dont want to go but Im trying to ignore the sucky attitude in my head and go anyway. Its kinda bad when you find yourself wishing someone would get sick, so i dont have to go lol!

Its cold and well frankly I'd rather not have to load all 3 little ones and go out. Especially at 730 this morning, when Im barely awake. But they want me to, so im doing it for them. Now to just stop them from fighting over whose classroom Im going to vist first!


Monday, November 13, 2006

A good day

Between the kids and I we got the whole house in order yesterday. It was so nice to get up to a farily noncluttered house this morning. It also helps me what to continue that trend. Going to work a bit on laundry but more on some other projects like steamcleaning a room, decluttering the island and maybe tackling my bedroom.

Im really looking forward to getting some stuff done today and a nap. Its my long day, since andrew teaches tonite and wont be home til 11. So i have more time to stretch out some tasks and then some downtime when the kids go to bed.

I used to dread mondays(well it started out thurs lol) but ive grown to enjoy the time. Dont get me wrong, I wouldnt want andrew to be gone any longer than he is but Ive learned how to enjoy a few hours of me time. Granted 11 o clock rolls around, and Im listening for the door... but thats cause I love my hubby.

Okay off to enjoy the day!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Snow day

I dont think we will end up with much, but parts of the state are expected to get 4-6 inches. Just the last few days were in the 50s and 60s, it still feels a bit early for snow. But it is almost midnovember so I guess not terribly early really.

Today Im going to try to tackle some cleaning and fold some laundry. As evidenced by the piles of baskets around, not one of my favorite chores.

Then work tonite and tommorrow but at least I have sunday off.


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Not much

I havent felt like blogging much lately. There is stuff to blog about: our trip, visit to a church on our trip, the resulting conterversial views of the pastor, even my frustrations with my boss. But i dont really feel like writing bout much of anything. And I usually dont try to force words when there are none that come easily.

It might be this cold that has lingered and drained my energy. In fact I feel asleep 3 times already this morning. Wish I had more energy, its a beautiful fall day out today.

Instead I will send out Congratulations to my handsome hubby. He got a new job this week, same place different dept. All around in looks like a good move, room to advance, incrrease in pay, new stuff to learn. The hours will suck for awhile, but that too has opportunity to change. God is good ... all the time! He puts this song of praise in this heart of mine!


Friday, November 03, 2006


Despite attempts via various colds/coughs to keep us from going, we are escaping this weekend. We will be traveling to a friends house for the weekend and ending the weekend at my aunts house to celebrate Katarina's 13th birthday with family. So all in all , we are really looking forward to a weekend away.

My friend, whom Im visiting, is such a blessing. She is taking care of everything, we just need to bring ourselves and clothes.

So this morning will bring lots of packing and cleaning and preparing to go out of town. I just need to nail down one last detail of who will let out hte dog while we are gone.

Thats all for now folks